St. Vincent’s University Hospital is the major acute teaching hospital serving the south-east of Dublin city and is the primary trauma centre for a catchment population of 300,000. The 470 bed hospital provides over 40 medical specialities and is one of 8 specialist national cancer care centres in Ireland. In 1997, the hospital commissioned STW to prepare a Development Control Plan to guide the development of the hospital, optimise the use of the prime inner-suburban site, and create a coherent vision which would support the business case for future publicly funded projects.
Urban Design & Planning
The Development Control Plan identified the need to double the area of the hospital from 25,000 to over 50,000 sqm, prioritizing the renewal of core facilities including 10 operating theatres, ICU, Emergency Department and Radiology Departments.
While proposing new facilities to accommodate a planned transition from inpatient to ambulatory day care, the plan also highlighted the need to upgrade existing ward accommodation and to provide a new inpatient psychiatric unit on the site.