Sherlocktown house is a Protected Structure the existence of which dates back to 1299, probably a tower/castle erected by the Sherlock family. The main house as it stands at the present days was largely constructed in the early 18th century and subsequently affected by substantial stylistic alterations in 'Queen Anne' style in 1870.
In recent years (1970) the building was altered by other unfortunate works, which caused the loss of many of the original features.
The Scott Tallon Walker renovation works were carried out between 2006 and 2008 and were intended to remove or replace the recent 1970 alterations with new structures, conceived to fit more harmlessly for shapes and materials with the context of the historic fabric. With regard to the interiors this type of project required a conscientious sympathetic approach in order to incorporate the new upgrading, new fixtures and finishes in context with what was left of the original features of the house.